Training & Courses

NISPOM Training Courses:
Ensure National Security Compliance

Explore NISPOM Central’s curated collection of National Security Training Courses, designed to equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate complex regulations effectively. Elevate your organization’s security posture and ensure compliance with expert guidance tailored to safeguard classified information.

Security Awareness Training is required for all cleared employees in the cleared defense contractor facility. The NISPOM requires this training, and the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) inspects compliance. FSOs can save time by downloading this training and delivering to employees, registering with our online training, or contacting us for in person training. For the downloadable PowerPoint presentations, notes are added for your convenience, and you can modify. Training comes complete with a fillable certificate. Meets NISPOM requirements including:

  • Threat Awareness Security Briefing Including Insider Threat
  • Counterintelligence Awareness Briefing
  • Overview Of the Security Classification System
  • Employee Reporting Obligations and Requirements, Including Insider Threat
  • Cybersecurity awareness training for all authorized IS users
  • Security Procedures and Duties Applicable to the employee’s Job

Every cleared contractor organization is required to establish an Insider Threat Program (ITP) per NISPOM. The NISPOM requires Insider Threat Training and the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) inspects compliance. This training augments the ITP and meets NISPOM compliance by providing required insider threat training to all cleared employees cleared employees. FSOs can save time by downloading this training and delivering to employees, registering with our online training, or contacting us for in person training. For the downloadable PowerPoint presentations, notes are added for your convenience, and you can modify as needed. Complete with fillable certificate.

  • Fundamentals of the Insider Threat Program (ITP)
  • Establishing an ITP
  • ITP Definitions
  • Insider Threat Impact on Industry
  • ITP Training Requirement

Derivative classification is a required training event. Defense contractors who use classified source material to generate a new product perform derivative classification. According to the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) all derivative classifiers must receive this training every two years. FSOs can save time by downloading this training and delivering to employees, registering with our online training, or contacting us for in person training. For the downloadable PowerPoint presentations, notes are added for your convenience, and you can modify as needed. Complete with fillable certificate.

  • Classification Level
  • Duration Of Classification
  • Identification And Markings Sanctions
  • Classification Challenges
  • Security Classification Guides (SCG)
  • Information Shari
  • Classification Prohibitions And Limitations
  • training is required

Every defense contractor organization is required to establish programs that protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). This training simply augments the CUI plan and meets DoD CUI program compliances. FSOs can save time by downloading this training and delivering to employees, registering with our online training, or contacting us for in person training. For the downloadable PowerPoint presentations, notes are added for your convenience, and you can modify as needed. Complete with fillable certificate.

  • Contractor employees are required to attend CUI training meets the requirements by tailoring for contracts
  • Convey individual responsibilities related to protecting CUI;
  • Identify oversight responsibility for the CUI Program;
  • Identify the categories or subcategories routinely handled
  • Describe the CUI Registry, its purpose, structure, and location;
  • Describe the differences between CUI Basic and CUI Specified;
  • Address CUI marking requirements;
  • Address the required physical safeguards and methods for protecting CUI;
  • Address the methods and practices for properly sharing or disseminating CUI;
  • Address the destruction requirements and methods and
  • Address the incident reporting procedures